Commercial effectiveness
Your performances = our added value
By commercial effectiveness, MANEGERE means the set of sales techniques, clients relationships management techniques and the "being" techniques needed to get new clients and develop revenue and make one's client protfolio loyal.
In the culture of MANEGERE there is no "miracle sales technique", the firm adopts a pragmatic approach which is adapted to the specific environment of each of its clients.
Our commercial expertise developed by praticing with compaies through BtoB, BtoC sales on short term or on long term is made available to sales results.
Our results prove the efficiency of our services : our performance contract which links our remuneration to the growth of the results of your team members after providing our services, is a concrete evidence of this. We bill our services based on the results obtained with agreed performance indicators.
Our most sought after services in commercial effectiveness are consulting and trainin related :
Physical or telephone prospecting
Sales techniques
Technical and commercial approach
Sales negociation
Handling complaints
Claims management
Client relationships management
"Know how to be a good sales person"